Our Beliefs and Values


Here we share the core beliefs that shape our identity as Stanthorpe Baptist Church.

These foundational beliefs provide a compass that guides our faith journey and the way we engage with our community.

The following is the minimum statement of faith which must be adhered to, for membership at Stanthorpe Baptist Church.

1.  The Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit:  

We believe there is one God who exists in three Persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God created and rules the universe with infinite power, mercy, justice, wisdom, holiness and love.

2.  Jesus Christ:  

We believe Jesus Christ the Son, being fully God and fully human, lived a sinless life on this earth. He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. Through this He provides the only way of salvation for all people.

3. Holy Spirit:  

We believe the Holy Spirit lives in all who turn in repentance to the Father through faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a new life as followers of Jesus, giving an understanding of spiritual truth and guides us to do what is right. The Holy Spirit equips us for service by giving us spiritual gifts for the building of the church and transforming communities.

4. The Scriptures:  

We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is without error in its original form. It is our primary authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

5. All people: fallen state and salvation: 

We believe the desire of God is for all people to live in relationship with Him. This relationship is broken through the rebellion and self-dependence (sin) of people and is restored when, by the grace of God, we turn in repentance to the Father through faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.


6.  The Church: 

We believe there is one universal Church which is established by Jesus and all Christians belong to this Church.

7.  Baptism and the Lord’s Supper:  

We believe Jesus gave us two symbolic celebrations: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism of believers upon their profession of faith in Jesus Christ is best represented by the immersion of believers in water, as a symbol of the fellowship of those saved through His death, burial and resurrection. During the Lord’s Supper we remember the sacrifice of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

8.  Second Coming:  

We believe there will be a sudden, personal, visible, bodily return of Jesus Christ.

9. Resurrection of the dead and final judgment: 

We believe there will be a resurrection of the dead and a final judgment by Jesus of all people for what they have done on earth. Those who have received Jesus as Saviour and Lord will live with Him forever. Those who have ruled their own life will be separated from Him forever.

Full Statement: 

For a fuller statement of beliefs, please refer to the Queensland Baptists Belief Statement and Core Values Statement.

“Know Jesus, make Him known”

Church Life and Ministry – Our Values

These foundational values provide a compass that guides our faith journey and the way we engage with our community.

Strong Biblical Teaching:
We recognise that it is the Word of God coupled with the work of the Holy Spirit that promotes faith, Christian maturity and life transformation (Romans 10:17).  We therefore come together to spend time reading, studying and reflecting on the Word of God.

We place high value worshipping God through prayer and believe that prayer ultimately promotes continued spiritual formation.   Prayer is an expression of faith & demonstration of our belief that God hears us.

By definition, the Church is the assembled believers.  Stanthorpe Baptist Church belongs solely to the Lord Jesus (Matthew 16:18).  No person, family, group, denomination or minister holds ownership of the Church.  We recognise as believers that we are all sojourners here on earth and are only passing through from our temporary state to our future eternal state (Philippians 3:20).

Discipleship First:
Our Vision statement is “Know Jesus, make Him known” therefore, we value the process of lifelong discipleship.  On-going, continuous spiritual formation is essential for the life of every believer.  We place discipleship as being the most important aspect of our life as believers.

Unity of the Spirit: 
It is the work of the Holy Spirit that brings unity to the Lord’s Church. We therefore seek to be those who pray daily for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Acts or actions that lead to discord, division or dissension among believers go directly against our Church life values.  

Kingdom Minded:
We recognize that God’s eternal Kingdom comprises of believers from differing Christian denominations.  We therefore do not focus solely for the growth of Stanthorpe Baptist Church but rather for God’s Kingdom as a whole.  This means we will work together with other Christian churches and organizations for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.  

People – One Body:
All people, regardless of ethnic background, gender, religion, social status or abilities, are equally valued by God. Thus, we believe in equality, love and respect of all people.  Our lives should be a genuine expression of God’s character of love, mercy and justice.

Relevant to Our Local Community:
We value our local community and therefore look for opportunities to engage and relate to all people of all backgrounds and ages regardless of religious affiliation.  We will intentionally seek to remain relevant to our target community in worship & ministry styles so that there are fewer barriers to the acceptance of the Gospel.  

As believers we have been forgiven and reconciled to our creator and we seek to facilitate reconciliation of non-believers to God. We value the biblical precept of forgiveness to produce healthy relationships between people.  We will be those who seek to grow in humility, gentleness, teachability  and contrition of heart.  

Empowering People for Ministry:
We believe in being intentional in our investing in both men, women and children to develop them as leaders for both present and future ministry of the Church.  

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16